Learning with their friends!
Group lessons are currently available for Guitar, Rock Band, and Music Theory. Give us a call on 1300 108 634 for any new classes that might be in the works.
We completely re-wrote the book on Group instrumental tuition…
We use a combination of educational games, online assets, group activities and one on one time during the lessons. These assets allow us to teach our students contemporary instruments that have traditionally been difficult to learn.
Our exclusive Little Muso’s exercise book and unique rewards system help motivate our students. They become empowered and take control of their learning.
Practice is key! Home exercises are assigned, with access given to our Play-Along Videos, online games and downloadable resources.
Our Group lessons are available in selected primary schools. Bookings and enquiries can be made through the school or by calling 1300 108 634.
How do we structure our Group lessons?
Our in-school group instrumental lessons consist of weekly 1hr lessons during school terms. The classes are split into four groups that mix ages and skill levels. Each group takes part in a single activity rotating through all the activities every lesson. Each of the four activities are:
1. Games: This portion of the lesson involves using games adapted for musical learning to teach music theory concepts and instrument-specific execution. This includes concepts like rhythmic values, musical symbols and note placement. Custom board games have been based on common popular games to ensure there is no additional learning curve for the children.
2. Online Practice: Students use devices to access the Little Musos website. Online they have access to play-along videos, Kahoot games and additional worksheets. Students use this time to become familiar with the site and to develop a home practise routines.
3. One-on-one: Students get one-on-one time with the class teacher. During this time their technique is checked and homework songs are tested. Advanced students are also tested for playing in Duos and small ensembles preparing them for individual performances.
4. Jam time: Performance has a large focus on our syllabus. The jam time is where all the kids work on a song together. As an ‘orchestra’ the class learns to collectively keep time, develop listening skills and begin to understand the theory and application of ‘harmonising’.
Students partake in a grading system similar to those in martial arts classes. Students earn physical guitar pics. Advancing through the colour grades with each competency test. Gradings happen once a student has completed the Chapter in their workbook. Each book contains two chapters. Once a student attains their ‘Black Pic’, they move onto Advanced playing techniques & improvisation. The colour grades are White, Yellow, Orange, Green, Blue, Purple, Red, Brown & Black.
We want the kids to play! Church, assemblies, open & orientation days, constant performance is vital in developing confidence in themselves and their abilities. We get the kids ready to play and have them up on stage at every available opportunity.

“I thought he’d be too young but I tried the group class anyway. He played his first notes on day 1!”
Mari – 4yr old students parent
“The Christmas concert was great! Ethan played with all his friends. They had so much fun.”
Vivian – Group Drum Student Parent